Becker Evangelical Free Church Women’s Ministry


Wednesday Mornings:
February 5-March 26; 8:30-10:30am (8 weeks)
What: Judges – Precept Study
Where: Becker Baptist HUB; KidCare provided, drop off at Becker Baptist
Led by: Dawn Bengtson
Email Dawn to sign up:
Tuesday Evenings: February 4-25; 6-7:30pm (4 weeks)
What: Ruth – Precept Study
Where: Andi Smart’s home (2389 120th Ave, Clear Lake), KidCare not provided
Led by: Andi Smart
Email Andi to sign up:
Cost: $10





We would like to invite anyone who isn’t already a member of meals ministry to join us! All you need to do is send Sidney Salvevold a text (763-331-4474) that you would like to be added to the list. After joining, your level of commitment is totally up to you. You can sign up as much or as little as you want/can. On the flip side, if you have been on the list for a long time and want or need to take a break, please let us know so we can remove you from the list. Bringing someone a meal is such a simple way to bless them, and we would love to have you join us in this ministry!



In an endeavor to feel more connected during this time where we aren’t getting together as much as groups, the BEFC Women’s Ministry has put together a group of women that will in turn reach out to each woman of BEFC.  These Care ‘n Prayer leaders will be reaching out to you occasionally to see how you are and if you have any prayer requests/needs.  These leaders will continue to pray for you. There is no commitment on your part, we just want to intentionally be in prayer for each one of the women in our church family.

We are so thankful for each of you and pray that God continues to strengthen your hearts during this unusual season.  May you draw near to God and dig into His Word for encouragement and growth.

MOMS (Making Our Mothering Significant)

MOMS (Making Our Mothering Significant) – STARTING SEPTEMBER 19
The mission of MOMS (Making Our Mothering Significant) is to seek gospel-centered motherhood together in community. Our heart for this group is to encourage one another as moms and as daughters of Christ through teaching, small group discussions, and fellowship. Moms with children of all ages (birth through adult) are welcome to join!

MOMS will meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings during the 2024-25 school year from 5-7pm at Becker Baptist Church (11951 Hancock St SE, Becker, MN 55308). The first meeting will be held on September 19. Join at anytime. Childcare will be available for those who need it.

Contact Krista Bellefeuille for more info (651-233-3194 or
Sign up HERE:


Hello BEFC Women and High School Girls! The Mentoring Ministry has kicked off for the ’24-’25 year.
Why do we have a Mentoring Ministry?

We need one another! 1 Thessalonians 2:8 “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to
share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well.”
What is the Mentoring Ministry?
A mentoring relationship is a vital part of the church, nurturing spiritual growth and preparing people for ministry. Not only does the mentee benefit, but the mentor also grows in their faith. Proverbs 27:17 reminds us “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” God uses mentoring to strengthen the faith of everyone involved and to equip people to put their faith into action. By meeting, studying, praying, supporting, and having fun together, we grow together in our faith.
How does it work?
While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to mentoring, we encourage each pair to meet twice a
month from October through April. One of the most beautiful aspects of this ministry has been the organic mentoring that has developed over the years. These mentoring relationships have become an integral part of BEFC’s DNA, extending far beyond formal programming. Praise God!

Questions about our mentoring ministry?  Please contact Gwen Paulson (text: 612-202-3040 or or Shannon Nuest (text: 763-210-8734 or




The Adult Sunday School is at 9am. (begins Sept. 15, 2024) Feel free to join at any time.

On the 1st Sunday of each month we will join with BEFC Prayer Team for a time of prayer over our church and community.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL – starting January 2025
Adult Sunday School will begin a series on marriage from RightNow Media entitled “Experiencing God’s Dream for Your Marriage” by Chip Ingram. This series examines God’s design for marriage, with practical instruction to help you make your marriage what God desires it to be. There is no required reading or watching to attend. Join us as we begin the series and feel free to come at any time. No required weekly attendance.

One final thing
…did you know that you are being prayed for? Every woman in our church has been assigned to a member of our Prayer and Care team, to lift them up in prayer. They may reach out to you during the year to see if there are any specific prayer requests you may have. Thank you to Cambria for coordinating this sweet ministry!

We hope you’ve found a way to connect, grow or serve!  We are so grateful to be church family!

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6

Want to keep updated? Here are ways to find out what’s happening:
– Facebook page “BEFC Women’s Ministry”
– Instagram: befcwomensministry
– Monthly WM emails
– The Grid

It is our goal to have an event every quarter to allow us to have time together to connect with each other.

Women’s Ministry Team:
Dawn Bengtson
Cambria Dupay
Michelle Gamble
Molly Howse
Gwen Paulson

Women’s Ministry
Mission statement:
BEFC women’s ministry exists to glorify God by bringing women into a vibrant, personal relationship with our Savior and provide opportunities for them to grow spiritually, to fellowship and encourage one another, and to equip them to serve Him in our homes, church, community and around the world.

The several ways we provide these opportunities are:
1. Connecting:
Socials: Purpose is to fellowship with and encourage women in our church and community in informal gatherings, to touch them with the love of Christ, and to draw them closer to Him.
Showers: Offered to encourage and equip newly engaged or expectant women to serve the Lord beginning in their homes.

2. Growing:
Bible studies: Designed to help women grow in their relationship with the Lord. Times offered: Wednesday mornings at the Becker Baptist Hub building, Wednesday evenings during Hiz Kids.
Dig Deeper seminar: Previously offered several times per year to teach women how to dig deeper in personal Bible study. Offered now as the need arises.

3. Serving:
Meals Ministry: Serves members in our church and community with meals or other help when the need arises.

Women’s Ministries Photo Gallery