Small Groups at Becker Evangelical Free Church

A small group is a safe place to connect with other people in a more personal setting than the Sunday morning worship service. Each small group decides their own schedule and study. We subscribe to as a church so that every person in our church has access to this amazing resource. Most small groups use it for their study materials.

Small Groups Value Statement – A place where we can come together so that each person can find encouragement, hear how God is at work in our lives, laugh and cry with each other, experience connection and unity, while sharpening each other through the study of God’s word.

When we meet in small groups, we give our attention to four things: Prayer, Encouragement, God’s Word and Serving. Around these groups are also men’s and women’s study groups (6-12 weeks) as well as small groups for students and service teams like the Worship Team and the Elder Team.

For more information about small groups or if you’d like to join one, contact the church office.


If you have any questions about small groups, please reach out to Tony Dupay at 763-381-7739 or

Women- check out the Women’s Ministry Page for Bible Study opportunities. Men- check out the Men’s Ministry Page for information on events and studies.


Small Groups are a great place to connect, equip and encourage each other. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!



Small Groups Gallery